Sunday, March 23, 2008

Not a good week for Cody

Cody was readmitted to hospital last week with another temp spike. They discovered that he has a blood infection. After much debate it was decided to remove Cody's gastro button and his blocked hicman line under a general operation and a new line was inserted into a large vein in his arm for his TPN feeding. This was done on Friday. But Cody has not recovered well this time. With in two days the vein in his arm has collapsed and cant be used for TPN. He has been coughing up a small amount of bloody mucus (which we hope is just from the infection and from being under a general) His surgeon is reconsidering his options in the morning. But for now Cody cant receive his TPN. I am told you can go two days before this is a major concern. One of the options is to reinsert the Hicman line - they don't really want to do this while Cody still has an infection in his body and the infection can latch onto the vein.

We will know more after a meeting with Cody's surgeon.


shabby_chik said...

Hey Cody,

Sorry to hear your not doing so good. I would love to auction one of my paintings off for you and donate the money to your trust. I hope you are feeling much better soon =o)


Nyle said...

Hi shabby chik

here is my email address....

Anonymous said...

Hi Cody,

I've been following your progress, the past few weeks and was sorry to hear your're back in hospital.
These miles I'm running at the moment are for you babe so hang on in there!


Anonymous said...

hey little cousin:),
you probably don't remember me ( i'm your aunty lynnette's oldest daughter)aunty andrea has been keeping me updated on how you are doing, i have been praying for you daily, and i really hope you get better.
goodluck and god bless :)