Monday, January 14, 2008

Cody's First........

Well its now day 4 since they rejoined what was left of his upper and lower intestines. Cody has come through this like a champ!! He has had a couple of painful days, like having to stand and walk after 2 days. Sounds extreme but it was necessary.

I must say that I didn't think I would ever be so happy to post the following news but to all those out there following this or going through similar will all understand.

Cody had his first bowel movement!!! yayayayayayaya this means that the join has held and things are moving through. Unfortunately for Cody it was bile .... which is an acid.... well you can guess the rest. So while we celebrate - Cody braces himself for the next one. But I am told this will ease in time.


Anonymous said...

Oh Cody - absolutely fabulous news, mate. I would imagine that having that first "movement" would have been like giving birth - sooooo painful, yet so proud and happy, LMAO. Please do NOT post photos of it on the blog - not cutie-cutie, Sunshine. Keep up the good work and look forward to getting out of hospital and taste testing anything in reach. Hugz, Che'z

natalie said...

codys mum here - cody had his gallbladder revoved as well as having the remainder of his small and large bowel joined - he is doing well and will feel very uncomfortable for a few weeks - today was hot and Cody felt it poor lad stuck in a hospital - he will be able to start eating small amounts in a week or two so is lucky as initially we were told that he would not be able to eat anything orally until his transplant - now we wait for a miracle - it is hoped that the large bowel will take over some of the nutriental absorptive abilities that the small bowel has - their is a small chance that this will happen so prayers and healing being sent from all you wonderful people would be much appreciated hugs from us in Nelson NZ - and much thanks for your support and good wishes

Anonymous said...

Great news! small steps forward are big gains for you guys and it's awesome to hear you have some positive things to go on at this time. Hang in there!